Dastar For Women
The Dastar (turban) is a very important part of Sikh religion. To Sikhs it is more than what is a crown to a king or queen. The Sikh Gurus showed a great respect to the turban. But some people think it is only for men, and women are not required to wear it. This article will explain why Sikh women should wear the Dastar (turban).
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Guru Ji says:
naapaak paak kar, hadoor hadeesaa; saabat soorat dastaar siraa. 12
Purify what is impure, and let the Lord's Presence be your religious tradition. Let your total awareness be the turban on your head. 12 (Ang 1084, SGGS)
Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Rehtname (codes of conduct) make very clear points about women wearing Dastar.
"Jab Lab Khaalsa Rehe Niaara, Tab Lag Tej Diyoo(n) Mai Saara"
"As long as Khalsa preserves its uniqueness and follows the path of true Guru I will bless them with all of my powers."
"Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas"
"Khalsa is my own self image."
Men still have their dignity but where is the women's dignity? They have lost it to fashion. Not many Sikh women wear a Dastar but their numbers are steadily growing. Even white Sikhs men and women wear Dastars. Women must wear the turban as instructed by Guru Ji himself because that's what makes them unique and an image of Guru Ji.
Right up to the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Sikh women had been steadfast in following the edicts of the Satguru (True Guru) in respect to their spiritual inner life as well as dress, including the Dastar. That is what J. D. Cunningham himself saw and wrote in the middle of the Nineteenth Century when he wrote his book, ‘History of the Sikhs’. He writes: "The Sikh women are distinguished from Hindus of their sex by some variety of dress but chiefly by a higher top knot of hair." Even after the Panjab came under the British rule, the Dastar was conspicuously seen in the case of Sikh women as well as men right up till the Gurdwara movement and the establishment of the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee in 1926. Until then, no one - men or women were allowed initiation (by taking Amrit) at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib without a Dastar. At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the present one, as a result of the Sikh renaissance movement, a number of Khalsa schools for girls were established in Punjab. A small Dastar was prescribed as an obligatory head dress for students as well as for teachers in such schools at Jaspalon, Ferozepur and Sidhwan in Punjab. Many famous Rehatname also support wearing of Dastaar.
Here are some quotes:
"Each candidate for Baptism be made to wear kachera, tie hair in a topknot and cover the same with Dastar; wear Sri Sahib (Kirpan) in Gatra (shoulder belt). Then he/she should stand with folded hands." (Rehatnama Bhai Daya Singh Ji)
"...Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa should keep hair unshorn, have flowing beard and have simple Dastar which saves from impiety. Then the Sikhs asked what would happen to those Amritdhari who start cutting their hair or do not keep their hair covered. The Guru replied that they would be stupid and would lose their sensibility. It is a blemish to remain bareheaded...Always keep two turbans. When the bigger turban is removed, the smaller be kept. The smaller turban should not be removed."(Bijai Mukat Dharam Shastra - Sakhi-8)
"(A Sikh) who eats food with turban removed from the head (i.e., bareheaded) is destined for 'Kumbhi' (hell)." (Rehatnama Bhai Prahlad Singh Ji)
"One who combs hair twice a day, ties turban fold by fold and cleans teeth daily will not come to grief." (Tankhah Naama Bhai Nand Lal Ji)
"Whosoever roams about bareheaded, takes food bareheaded and distributes the 'prasad' bareheaded is considered punishable." (Uttar-prashan Bhai Nand Lal Ji)
"Women should tie their hair in topknot and should not keep them loose." (Rehatnama Bhai Daya Singh Ji)
"Keshas be washed. Turban or Dastar should not be placed on floor but should always be kept with due respect. Food should not be eaten bareheaded." (Bijai Mukt Dharam Shastra, Sakhi 70)
It is thus, absolutely clear from the above quotations that remaining bareheaded at any time (except when washing, drying, and combing the hair) and keeping hair loose and unknotted are basically against the Sikh Code of Conduct, which is applicable to all, men and women alike. For obvious reasons, therefore, the use of Dastar is indispensable. There is no other way to keep the head covered all the time. Sikh women who wear only dupattas, mostly remain bareheaded, especially in the privacy of their own homes, while taking food, etc., and thus are, perhaps unconsciously, infringing the Sikh Code of Conduct in this respect.
Click Here for Article from Panthic Weekly
"If you do not see god in all, you do not see god at all."
If you only see god in those who wear turbans, then you must only see god in a few. Whereas god should be seen in all, regardless of religion or physical embodiment.
Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
Khalsa Ji,
With all respect, no where in the article does it say that if you don’t wear a Dastar, that God is going to strike you with lightening. This article is simply for the young Sikh women who have taken amrit, but have trouble deciding whether or not they would like to tie a Dastar. The Dastar is part of Sikhi Saroop. We can debate about it all night, but the bottom line is men and women are equal in Sikhi, and women should not feel like the under dog when it comes to tying one. I respect every Sikh, and they way they choose to live their lifestyle, but in no way am I trying offend anyone by this article. It is simply factual article that states the Dastar is part of Sikhi Saroop.
As for the quote “If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all." I pray that no matter what race, religion, gender you are, that everyone sees God in all, no matter what you are wearing. But I hope you also respect the fact that in Sikhi, men and women should have the decision to wear a Dastar. If our Father Guru Gobind Singh Ji requested his children to keep a Dastar on their head to cover their unshorn kes, then I feel it is an obligation of every Sikh, man or woman, to accept His Hukam, and live it rightfully through all aspects of life.
Please forgive me if I have offended you in anyway. I am no place to tell people what to do or how to dress. But I like to do Seva, and I know a lot of Sikh women will benefit from this article. –Vaheguru
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
What are you sayin bhainji, That if you dont wear a dastaar ur nt a sikh? And where in the guru granth sahib ji has it been written that you have to wear a dastaar to be guru jees sikh. Does that mean people like me who have not taken amrit and have their hair cut are not sikhs? Or are we manmukhs. Which of the guru jees said that a dastaar is a sikhi saroop?
I thought it was worn to protect your hair? :S
I am very sorry, I am a person who is trying practise sikhi, I have grown my hair now and wish to take amrit, but i wish to understand some things before i do.
Bhul Chuk Maaf
Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
"The Dastar is our Guru's gift to us. It is how we crown ourselves as the Singhs and Kaurs who sit on the throne of commitment to our own higher consciousness. For men and women alike, this projective identity conveys royalty, grace, and uniqueness. It is a signal to others that we live in the image of Infinity and are dedicated to serving all. The Dastar doesn't represent anything except complete commitment. When you choose to stand out by tying your Dastar, you stand fearlessly as one single person standing out from six billion people. It is a most outstanding act."
According to Rehit Maryada:It is a code of conduct for living. "Reh," from the verb "rehenaa," means to continue, or to live. Adding "it," it means "lifestyle." "Mar" is derived from the verb "marna," to die, and "yad" means remembrance; thus, "maryada" means "the remembrance of death." A more common translation is simply a code of conduct for living. The Rehit Maryada is made up of techniques and tools to help maintain the consciousness of the Sikh which is to live like the lotus, with roots entrenched in the mud of the world, but with the flower of consciousness floating upon the surface, pure and spotless.
Rehit Maryada includes:
• Wearing the 5 k's
• Reading the 5 bani's
• Naam Japna
• Vandh Chakna
• Kirat Karna.
Thus, a Sikh must cover there head 24 -7 as this is basic rehit. Ideally a Amritdharhi should tie a dastar as this was to maryada until I think 1920’s, correct me if I’m wrong.
With respect Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji clearly stated “rehit pyari muj ko sikh pyara nee.” It is hukam for every Gursikh to take amrit and become a Khalsa. In order for us to be a Sikh we must first believe in Amrit and therefore we will aspire to one day taking amrit and proclaiming that from that day forward we are no more and we are sacrifice to our Guru.
For your question whether you are any less of a Sikh if you don’t wear a Dastar, I am no one to judge. Everyone has different stages, and everyone learns differently. Some may be highly educated, some may not be. Same thing here, many people are blessed with the knowledge of Naam Simran, Gurbani, and Seva, whereas many are not. For instance, when you call yourself a Manmukh, or a Gurmukh, they are two different types of Sikhs. A Manmukh literally means To follow your mind/desires
To be Manmukh is to follow your own mind or desires without regards for anyone else. A person who is self-centred is called a Manmukh. The opposite of Manmukh is Gurmukh, which means a person who follows the teaching and life-code as narrated by the Guru.
Makhi Raam Ki Tu Makhi..................................(-SGGS pg 1227)
Gurmukh literally means To face the Guru
To be Gurmukh is to follow the ways of the Guru and not to follow your animal instincts. The opposite of Gurmukh is Manmukh, which means a person who follows his own mind or desires.
If you are serious about Sikhi there many great websites that will give you so much knowledge about a Sikhism, alongside with why a Sikh covers their head, and why one chooses this lifestyle. Because remember, Sikhi isn’t just a religion where people go to the Gurdwara once a week, for many it is a lifestyle, something they breathe everyday. Therefore Amirt, and Rehit is very important to a Sikh.
5 k's were given by Guru Gobind Singh as reminders of their faith to Sikhism to be worn at all times. Once a Sikh has been baptised in amrit, s/he is bound to wear five items on them at all times. Some non-baptised Sikhs also wear these items out of respect for their tenth prophet, Guru Gobind Singh while others are under compulsion and it is their duty to don these items.
Kesh (uncut hair) relates to the element of ether
Kara (steel bracelet) relates to the element of air
Kanga (wooden comb) relates to the element of earth
Kachera (cotton underwear) relates to the element of water
Kirpan (sword) which relates to the element of fire.
On a personal note, if you read up on Sikh history you will learn so much, and have better knowledge and more respect as to why Sikhs wear Dastars:
First of all a Dastar is a gift from our Father, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, through the Punj Pyar we receive his Amrit
Second, countless of Gursikhs have given their heads to uphold the Honour of a Dastar
Thirdly, it distinguishes Sikhs from the general public, and it identifies you as a Khalsa.
Lastly, this gift was given to both men and women.
I hope Guru Sahib blesses you with Rehit and Amrit very soon, then your thirst will be clenched and questions answered. If you have any questions you can email or msn me at anytime. However you can take a look at the following websites if you have any questions:
And search Dastar or Keski
Lastly you asked about if their was any solid proof from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, take a look at the following Video that has been produced by Mata Bhaag Kaur Jagrati Dal Website:
And always remember…
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, “My Sikh will be recognized among millions”...Dastar is what distinguishes us from the rest of the world...
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
Vaeheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
Thanks for pointing that out. I never wrote the article, I have posted the source on the bottom of the blog. However I did read the Shahabd and you are correct.Thank you for pointing out my mistake Bhaji. But I was just wondering, if Guru Sahib is telling Muslims that "let your total awareness be the turban on your head" don't you feel he is probably telling us Sikhs too. Now a days, you find many Sikhs who follow false practices, so therefore, Guru Ji's message is not only for Muslims but for everyone. Yes, he does use Muslims as His central argument, but today I think everyone is in the same boat. So I would believe that everything Guru Ji says should be accepted by everyone, no matter what you are. I'm not sure if that even makes sense. Maybe you can help me to understand the Shabad indepth, and what meaning it has today. As well, maybe you can suggest another Shabad that directly discusses Dastar and Sikhi.
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!
BHain ji basically i just wanted to ask is guru gobind singh jee the only guru you believe in? Thats what is it sounds like. So what you are tryin to say in this article is that the other gurus who did not have amrit and did not wear dastaars or keskis are not sikhs? I mean they could have had cut hair and so on.
I am really really sorry for any mistakes but i was wondering if you could answer my questions.
Wow, I can’t believe this blog post has turned into something that it wasn’t meant to be. I’m really sorry if I offended anyone. Really, to the Sangat out there the truth, this blog post for my sisters who have been struggling in the Western society. Many of them are amrithari and many of them want to die a Dastar, but for some odd reason, society keeps knocking them down. It’s not even the larger society who is doing this, its people with in their own community. This article was a motivational article for those Sikh women who thrive to wear a Dastar. With that said, many people have their own opinions, respected opinions indeed. But I really think everyone should read why this blog post was posted in the first place. I did not mean to offend anyone.
Is Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji the only Guru I believe in? I follow the word of one Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji is my father. I took amrit from his Punj Pyare.
Firstly, there are 2 type of Sikhs, SehajDhari (one's who making an attempt to better themselves and lead a sikhi life) and then you have AmritDhari's (Guru de Sikh). According to Sikh philosophy, in order to be a Gursikh, one MUST be Amritdhari, in this one has laid down their head to Guru ji and has vowed to live a life according to Guru ji. Sikhi is not about being unique, I think is not correct. Sikhi is probably the most unique religion/ way of life out there. Mind, there are countless religions, but none that have that special something which Sikhi does. Sikhi is of spreading the message of God, well to say the least, all religions are about spreading the message of God (all God-believing religions). Yes, one who hasn't taken amrit is still a Sikh. But not Guru Ji's Sikh, as Guru Gobind Singh Ji says "Rehit Pyaare Mujh Ko, Sikh Pyara Nahi" clearly Guru Ji says that Rehit is more dear to him then just being a Sikh and the only way to live according to rehit is to take amrit because part of the Rehit Maryada is to take amrit. Technically, Guru Ji did say you have to take amrit in order to be Guru da Sikh.
Some people may argue that baptism i.e. Amrith did not exist b4 Guru Gobind Singh Ji. However, it did, but it was in the form of CHARAN PAHUL. All of the Guru's had taken Amrit, before the 1699 Vasakhi. All of the Guru's (except Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who was the Jyot of Waheguru) had to take iniation into the Sikh faith by Charan Pahul. Which was when Guru Sahib dipped their toe into Water and the individual wanting to be a Sikh drank it. So all the Guru's were Amritdhari. All Guru Gobind Singh Ji did was to change its form to KHANDE DE PAHUL (baptism of the double-edged sword).
Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us the boon to become immortal. This is the answer; to take amrit and become a true KHALSA: PEEVO PAHUL KHANDEDHAR HOE JANAM SOHILA
None of the Guru’s cut their because they would of defied Waheguru’s creation. Sikhi teaches us t live according to God’s will, which includes keeping your hair intact. I read this saying once that sums up what I’m trying to explain:
Kesh is a gift from the Creator
It is our Antennae and balances our energies
To keep it unshorn is to honor God
Our Monkey Mind will tell us it would be better to fit in and cut it
We must substitute Positive thoughts of the Guru when our mind freaks out
By growing your kesh and leaving it uncut all the blessings of the Guru will come to you
It represents your faith and trust in the Creator
When you are old like me and want to do something fun you can think of all the money you have saved by not getting hair cuts and not shaving
You are going to be different no matter what you do get used to it and serve humanity with the added energy
In addition, all Sikh Guru's wore Dastaar's as it represented Simplicity which Sikhs are supposed to maintain today as well.
It is very simple. Hairs are your antennas, your strength and your flowing beauty. They are your grace and they represent your love of God and Guru. Long before Guru Gobind Singh, saints and sages throughout time have honored God and the integrity of his Divine Design by keeping their hairs at their natural length. Through his wisdom, Guru Gobind Singh carried on that tradition.
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh
Was our guru ji mental that he would dip his toe in water and give it to other people? I thought he didn';t even let people touch his feet, beacuse he wished to be treated like everyone else.
In addition, all Sikh Guru's wore Dastaar's as it represented Simplicity which Sikhs are supposed to maintain today as well. Fauj kaur said
How do you know that they all wore dastaars, they could have had cut hair. OR where you there when they where around to see what they wore. It is not what is on the out side that matters it is within! EQUALITY! You have just contridicted your self, because you say you believe in the rehit maryada and as far as i know with my limitless knowlegde you are not suppose to hang photos or murthis of guru sahib because we don't actually know what they looked like.
Is Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji the only Guru I believe in? I follow the word of one Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji is my father. I took amrit from his Punj Pyare. Fauj kaur said
If you believe in the guru granth sahib ji then why do do you put knowledge like this forth? What you are saying is that you have stopped seeing or calling your real father DAD, or whatever and you say that guru gobing singh ji is your father. But i thought taking amrit meant that you are not different but you would treat everyone the same.
Well i just think thatr there is no point in falling into a controversy, because life is too short . Bhul chuk maaf.
sorry for anything wrong said but i think it is just best for all of us to keep our veiws to ourselfs. Thankyou very much penji for explaining what you had. it is very nice thing to know others views ecspecially if its from people like you who contridict thenselves. or shall i say, say one thing and then not backing it up. HYPICRITICAL.
bhul chuk maaf
you say u believe in the guru granth sahib jee but but where in the guru granth sahib ji has it been wriotten that "Rehit Pyaare Mujh Ko, Sikh Pyara Nahi" This is in the dasam granth. is it not. so yet again you contrdict yourself