Dhan Dhan Guru De Pyarai Daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Sahib Ji Daughter of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji Fearless Warriors Courageous Mothers Determined Daughters They suffered great in-humane tortures Watch their children bleed to death Witnessed the brutal murder of their husbands Yet, they fought for freedom and faith Remembered Guru Ji in every breath And were an Inspiration to all Sikhs We are a Kaur Princess We are a Brave Lioness We are the Daughters of the Khalsa

A Sikh Girls Prayer

Born and raised in a world full of hate
Enraged by the injustices her sisters faced

No place or home to call her own
Born into a family which is not her own

Knowing everyday as she’s grown
One day her hand will be given to a man unknown

Searching for an abode which can be called her own
Realizing at her tender age,

That is none other than with the Charna of the Lord
For a girl to be accepted in this world
So much she has to bear

Sentenced to a world of silence
No room for what she has to share
Loved ones come and go

Their love and faces forever changing
We are forever searching for acceptance
Not realising for years how our sisters have been treated

1984 and for years before
Our sisters, abducted, raped, betrayed by people they thought of as their own
No one here is ours
We are musafirs on this earth

We belong with our Lord
If only we could witness an ounce of the strength of the ones before
Gave up their ‘all’ for the Lord

Gurujis love remains the same, forever strong
Forever carrying His daughters through their struggles
Without His shelter we have no home,
My home, my love, life, my everything, all within the truest form of love

A taste of this love we receive,
From parents, siblings, friends

But a taste is all it remains
Until the ultimate love is realized
The purest kind of love

The only endless love
Dearest sweet Akal Puraak Ji,
Grant me the wisdom and courage to walk on your path

Forever be close to my heart
Keep my love strong
Help me forgive those who cause my struggles and the struggles of my sisters

Never let me forget the sacrifices our Shaheeds made for us
May all my sisters who have suffered be granted the peace love and acceptance,
That I have found within your Chrnaa

Forever your Daughter

Author: Jeeth Kaur
Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.

by FaujKaur @ Tuesday, January 31, 2006
comments: 1


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:09 AM
awesome. When are we going to read your poems/stories? :)

keep up sevaaaa



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