Dhan Dhan Guru De Pyarai Daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Sahib Ji Daughter of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji Fearless Warriors Courageous Mothers Determined Daughters They suffered great in-humane tortures Watch their children bleed to death Witnessed the brutal murder of their husbands Yet, they fought for freedom and faith Remembered Guru Ji in every breath And were an Inspiration to all Sikhs We are a Kaur Princess We are a Brave Lioness We are the Daughters of the Khalsa

Importance of Kaur

Have you ever thought why Guru Ji, Guru Gobind Singh, gave the name Kaur to Sikhs, more specifically to Sikh women? Why did he not accept the status quo and keep the tradition of the woman's surname being determined by her family's name? What was Guru Ji trying to achieve by calling the Sikh woman "A Prince" (literal meaning of Kaur)?

Simmal Tree from DiscoverSikhi.com says: “…it means that the women of the Sikh religion are the true inheritors of the Sikh legacy, and through them the reign of the Sikh kingdom will be established again and again, because they are "princes..."
To try to understand the possible reasons behind Guru Ji's decision, we need to look at the situation at the time in different cultures. In Indian society, the brides first and last name was often changed after her marriage. This still happens today. However, this tradition of name changing does not occur just in India. It is a phenomenon which occurs across the whole world today. Why are women's surnames changed? The reason is family linkage. Surnames allow others to identify you and your family. In some cases the surname can tell others much more about you, such as your caste. For women the linkage to family is different in comparison to men. Their identity changes with marriage. They are no longer associated with their parents, but with their Husband's family. Unsurprisingly, the man's name never changes.

Mehtab Singh from DiscoverSikhi.com says: “In those times, women were supposed to be meek and timid, weak and submissive, thanks to the "civilized" Indian culture and society. Dasmesh Pita wanted His daughters to be equal to their male counterparts in all aspects. And so KAUR was made as their surname…"

Some cultures go as far as considering the woman to be the property of others. Psychologically, women have accepted these unjust rules. They have resigned to male dominance and allowed themselves to become second class citizens. Guru Ji changed all this with the revelation of the Khalsa. He gave women the opportunity to live life free of the chains of a dogmatic society. It was God's Hukam (will).

Degha Singh from DiscoverSikhi.Com says: “…Guru Sahib recognized and bestowed such power on women...by giving them the name Kaur…”

Jagjit_Waheguru from DiscoverSikhi.com says: “…Sikhism is infact genderless. The Khalsa Roop, language, and nature are distinct as described by Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in the worldly form. But in the non-worldy, i.e. spiritual world, the Sahib Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji never speaks to your gender, but speaks to your soul...It clearly states that our souls are all female, often referred to as soul brides. Waheguru is the male. Our aim is to merge together. Hence every soul on this earth is equal…”

Once initiated into the Khalsa, historically, Sikh women obtain the name Kaur and Sikh men obtain the name Singh. However, It is rather interesting to note, that even Male Sikhs in the past have used (and possibly even today use) 'Kaur' in their names, for instance, Akali Kaur Singh, a male Sikh member of the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandhak Committee involved in writing of the Code of Conduct and Conventions in 1931 and 1932 used the name Kaur.

Degha Singh from DiscoverSikhi.Com says: “...women are equal with men...its time for others who are lost in slumber to wake up and recognize the Kaur…”

This difference in names is not about inequality. Rather, Guru Ji recognises the difference between men and women. As individuals we are all different from each other, but this difference does not imply inequality. Women and men are different but remain equals. Guru Ji considered women and men to be unique. He respected the genders and, therefore, made the distinction in respectfully.
When you take Amrit you are told to consider Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji as your father and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji as your mother.
By joining the Khalsa you abandon all previous chains of linkage. You become the direct descendants of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji. You become their daughters. The Khalsa becomes your family.

Sahiba from Sikhsangat.com says: “… Whenever I'm filling in an application or anything, and I put down Kaur, I remember I'm Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Daughter. Like, of course we know it, but I never really pay attention to it.....it's not something that I think about all day long. But when I write Kaur, or say it, I remember it instantly. With Kaur, it is my 10th Guru that always comes to mind. It's a really good feeling-Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji..."
Mehtab Singh from DiscoverSikhi.com says: “Someone asked how Singh’s feel when they hear Kaur. I can't speak for all, but I feel so freaking mega proud when a Sikh girl addresses herself as KAUR. I feel mad respect and my head bows before such women who are proud of the honour Gurujee bestowed upon them.”

Thus, from the day you are born to the day you die your name remains the same. You do not have to change it due to marriage. Unfortunately, the tradition of using the "Kaur" as a name has all but disappeared amongst Sikh women. It is either dropped, in favour of caste surnames, or misused as a middle name. Guru Ji never designed it as such. Have we not belittled His concepts? Have we lost so much faith and self-esteem that we must copy the bigoted traditions of others?

Sikh women are today demanding equal rights. Rightly so. However, they fail to realise that they themselves create inequality by not considering themselves Guru Ji’s Daughter. They no longer consider themselves as Daughters of the Khalsa. Why should Sikh women feel that they must change their names after marriage? This is not part of the Sikh tradition. It belongs to others. Leave it to them. It has nothing to do with the Sikhism. Waheguru gave us these names.

26th27thDecember from Sikhsangat says: “…well I know I’m a princess, but I don’t tell anyone because I feel that if I tell the other person that my last name is princess it sounds corny or might give a bad impression to the other person about me. The person might think that I’m trying to say that I am rich…”
watevz from DiscoverSikhi.com says: “…when I introduce myself as Kaur, I feel immense pride and responsibility…”
heart from Sikhsangat.com says: “I feel happy when someone introduces them with that last name [of Kaur] as it is a part of Sikh, and its a beautiful way to remember your Guru and to remember where you belong.”

Real freedom can only be found in Sikhi. Real freedom is the freedom ones feels from within, and not the show of freedom we pretend to have in the outside world and to others. By keeping your unique and beautiful Sikh identity you are maintaining the freedom given to you by Guru Ji. Ultimately, by keep and being content with the "Kaur" you truly understand its importance. Others will make excuses about the difficulty of having such a name. Why make such excuses? The importance of "Kaur" is truly inexpressible. It is something very unique in the history of the world.
Degha Singh from DiscoverSikhi.Com says: “…Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji bestowed this name to all Sikh women to distinguish their power and courage...just look at Sikh history with examples such as Mata Bhag Kaur Ji who inspired the Chali Mukte to return to Guru Sahib and fought alongside with them in battle…”

The Importance of Kaur:
“…its like a Declaration of Khalsa, a Declaration of Truth...that person identifies themselves with the ideals of Guru Sahib and pronounces that Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is their Father and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji their Mother…”
I am a Kaur
Guru Jis Brave Princess
Hear my roar
I’m a
Fierce Lioness

With my Dastaar tied tall
And my kirpan by my side
I stand Proud on the battlefield of life
Renouncing the 5 evils,
Keeping my 5 ks
Japping for my
Helps me mend my foolish ways
By ‘Gupt’ Kaur
Article from: Sikh Womens Right;
Quotes from members
from DiscoverSikhi.com
and Sikhsangat.com; Poem: Gupt Kaur

by FaujKaur @ Thursday, March 02, 2006
comments: 2


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:10 PM
sri vaheguru ji ka khalsa
sri waheguru ji ki fateh
o my dear sisters and true dauthers of the KHALSA,how we can be greatful to you for we as a KHALSA nation have relied on your courage for many year and we need your courage and sacrifice for many many years to come..for we are going through a very difficult time in the history of our KHALSA nation.you are the true KAURs of the KHALSA PANTH, we must respect you as you play a very important role in giving birth and shaping early life our present and future warriors ot the PANTH KHALSA. O our true sisters and mothers we need your resolve in this great hour of adversity..for we the saviours of the Dharma need you to be our saviours.....we all must realise the great sacrifices of our KHALSA daughters and mothers in shaping our Sikh history.we must not also forget the great sacrifices made by the GURU JI....WHEN WE ARE GOING TO REALISE AND BELEIVE HOW BLESSED WE ARE FOR THE AKALPURUKH TO HAVE FAITH IN US TO WE THE WARRIORS TO PROTECT DHARMA...

waheguru looks like a lot of time went into this post


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