Dhan Dhan Guru De Pyarai Daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Sahib Ji Daughter of Mata Sahib Kaur Ji Fearless Warriors Courageous Mothers Determined Daughters They suffered great in-humane tortures Watch their children bleed to death Witnessed the brutal murder of their husbands Yet, they fought for freedom and faith Remembered Guru Ji in every breath And were an Inspiration to all Sikhs We are a Kaur Princess We are a Brave Lioness We are the Daughters of the Khalsa

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gets Married

The years passed and (Guru) Nanak showed no signs of changing. Then one day Kalu returned home smiling happily. His wife, surprised by his unusual appearance, asked, “What has happened? Have you won a fortune? Why do you look so happy?”

“Well,” Kalu replied, looking very please with himself, “Our worries should soon be over. I have found a wife for Nanak. A family will soon give him a sense of responsibility.”

“But he is only twelve,” his wife protested.

“So what!” Kalue replied, “Was not Nanaki married when she was 13? That is not unusual amongst our people. Of course his wife will not come to live with him until they are both few years old.”

So (Guru) Nanak was married to Sulakhni. And when he was 19, she came to live with him. For some time they were very happy and Nanak took an interest in household affairs. They had two sons. But this way of life did not last long. (Guru) Nanak became restless again. And soon he was spending his time, and he had always done, wandering in the woods, sitting alone for hours lost in thought or asking questions from anyone who was said to be learned and wise.

Kalu was more than ever worried about (Guru) Nanak’s future. He tried to interest him in various occupations by which he might earn a living. He first tried to make him a farmer. At sunrise every day Nanak was sent off to the fields.

But somehow the blue sky and the drifting clouds diverted him and, in a few hours, he would be lost in the contemplation in the shade of the largest tree. After a particularly severe scolding, Nanak made a special effort to look after his cattle. But the orange, green and blue butterflies which flitted from flower to flower, and the calling of the cuckoo from the mango groves, distracted his attention, and soon he was lost in his thoughts

‘who gave the butterflies their beautiful colors? Where did the cuckoo learn its song? Why did it sing?' His cattle strayed on to a neighbor’s field, whose patience had already worn thin. “Kalu,” the neighbor threatened, “you are my friend. But if ever I see Nanak’s buffaloes in my fields again, I shall beat him and keep the cattle.”

The Boy who Traded Money for a Blessing

Kalu, tried all of these complaints, said to his wife, “Perhaps Nanak is just not interested in farming. Perhaps he will do better in trade. I shall give him money to go and buy species and he can then go to the next town and sell them there at a profit.”

So (Guru) Nanak set off with the money his father gave him saying to himself, “At last I shall be able to please my father and make him proud of me. I shall go to the market and look for the shops where I can buy the cheapest goods, and my father will be amazed at my cleverness.” But he had only gone a short distance when he met some holy men. They were very thin and their ribs were sticking out. They told (Guru) Nanak that they had not eaten for many days. Nanak thought, “Surely these good men need the money more than my father or I do,” and without any hesitation He gave them all He Had.

When He returned home, Kalu asked him, “Where are the species you went to buy? Have you sold them already? Did you make a lot of money?”

(Guru) Nanak told his father what he had done with the money.

“I gave you money to trade, not to throw away to beggars,” raged Kalu.

“They were men of God, not beggars,” replied (Guru) Nanak, “and they were hungry. I made an excellent bargain; for those few rupees I earned their blessings. What better trade can be there be?” he asked.

Kalu could no longer control his anger. He began to beat the boy. Nanak’s sister, who was visiting her parents at the time, tried to plead on his behalf, but Kalu refused to hear any good of him. Seeing how annoyed and irritated Kalu had become, (Guru )Nanak said, “Let me take Nanak with me to Sultanpur. I am sure my husband will be able to find him worked. We are both very fond of Nanak; he will be happy with us.”

“You can take him where you like,” he snapped Kalu. “I have done with my best and failed. I wash my hands of him.”

So Nanak left his wife to look after their children and set out with his sister for Sultanpur.

All Men are Brothers

(Guru) Nanak lived with His sister at Sultanpur. Her husband found him a job as an accountant to the local chief. (Guru) Nanak worked very hard. He seldom made a mistake. Everyone was pleased with the change in him. He earned the respect and affection of the chief and they became firm friends.

Although (Guru )Nanak seemed absorbed in his work, every now and then he would lose himself in his thoughts. He began to write poems about the beautiful things he saw, and in praise of God who made them. He often though of his home and remembered the happy times he had spent singing hymns with his servant Mardana. “I shall ask Mardana to come to Sultanpur and we can sing together as we did at home,” (Guru) Nanak decided. He wrote home to Talwandi, and a few days later Mardanda came to Sultanpur.

Thereafter (Guru) Nanak started to lead a strictly disciplined life. Early each morning, long before dawn, he rose and went to the river Bein, to bathe.

The Man who was Re-born

One day, when (Guru) Nanak had gone down to the river to bathe, he disappeared. People found his clothes lying on the bank, but no sign of him. Everyone thought he had been drowned. They searched the river in vain. There was great mourning. (Guru) Nanak was missing for three days and three nights. But on the fourth day, he re-appeared. People asked him where he had been, but Nanak said not a word. One day passed. Then the next day when they asked him again and again, Nanak spoke:

“There is no Hindu, there is No Musalman.”

Those who the only words he spoke.

Everyone looked puzzled. “What do you mean?” they said. “You are a Hindu and we are Hindus. Our chief is a Musalman and your Mardana is a Musalman. How can you say there is no Hindu, there is no Musalman?”

Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained. “Both Hindus and Muslims believe in God. Both worship and pray to Him. Both say that men should be good, truthful and kind. The only difference is that they say these things in different ways. This causes a lot of misery and unhappiness. I want the people to be happy. Hindus and Muslims are the same. They could act like brothers and love each other.”

(Guru) Nanak gave away all his belongings. He took Mardana with him and the two set off to tell the truth the people. Later a third man, a Hindu peasant called Bala, joined them. The three of them were preaching form one village to another. Wherever they went, Nanak wore a strange grab. He wore clothes that were worn by holy men of both the Hindu and Muslim Faith. People were puzzled by this, and asked, “Art thou, a Hindu or a Muslim?” then Nanak would explain his message to them.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji put all his ideas about God into poetry, so that people could memorize them. Then he, Bala and Mardana sang them together. Soon all over the Punjab, people were singing Nanak’s hymns about the One God, who is greater than anyone else, who is good and loves his creatures.

by FaujKaur @ Saturday, November 04, 2006
comments: 1


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:05 AM
guru mere sang sadaa hai naale :))


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