This was the time when the army of Mir Mannu was going from house to house searching for Sikhs. Many of the Sikhs took shelter in jungles but some Sikhs who were living with their families in the cities and could not just leave right away or join any jathas. They were captured by the army and all were being sent to Lahore. Most of the prisoners were Sikh women and children. Many of the old women were killed on the way because they were weak and could not walk for a long time.
All of the Singhnis and their children were put in Lahore jail. For labor they were given "chakkis". They were given no food or water. This was a way to torture them so they would leave Sikhi. They were separated from their children. Everyday muslims would come and taunt them by saying "where is your Khalsa now?" They can't even come to rescue you. All of them have been killed by the army. So it is better for you to accept islam and live a rich happy life." Singhnis never ever thought of leaving Sikhi. They kept reciting:
"Waheguru Dhan Guru Waheguru Waheguru".
All children were separated from their mothers and were given no food or water. Then muslims started killing the innocent children by throwing them up in the air and landing them on sharp spears. Some children were cut into pieces and garlands were made out of their pieces. Then they put those garlands around the necks of Sikh mothers. But the faith of Sikh women was unshakable. One of the women was very beautiful and Qazi wanted to marry her. He would come everyday and try to convince her to accept him but she never did. She had a son who was less than two years old. One day upon leaving, qazi gave orders to some of the army men to torture her and her son so she would give up her faith.
One night the cruel animals (men) tied her up first and then started torturing her son. They hung her son upside down, took a knife and started to cut into his flesh from the neck all the way down to stomach. Singhni kept calm and kept praying:
"Guru Ji, Jaan Jayai par Dharam Na Jaayai"
Then they slowly cut her son into pieces and he became shaheed. Then they started beating the Singhni with sticks and "chabuks". They hung her upside down and left. She stayed that way all night. In the morning they took her down but she was unable to get up and walk. She lay there by the wall, did Nitnem and then did Ardas:
"Sacchay Paatshah Ji, Saari Raat Aap De Bhanay tay Sukh Naal Beetee Hai. Aap ji da kotaan kot shukar hai, aap jee nay aapnee amanat vaapas lai layee hai. Aggay waastay vee bhanay vich chalan da uddam ball bakhsis karna. Daata Ji, praan jayai par Sikhi na jayai. Mehar karni"
Hearing this some of the guards were shocked and wondering what Sikhs were made up of? Some of the guards left their jobs by saying "These Sikhs are religious people. We cannot torture these innocent souls. Even their women and children are so strong and brave. They will rule Punjab one day." Some fanatic muslims were enraged by this. They started to torture her again. Heavy weight was put on her body and her bones were crushed. They hit her with sticks. After so much torture she became shaheed but she never gave up her faith. Only word that came out of her mouth was "Waheguru Waheguru" When Singhs heard the news of the tortures, they attacked Lahore and freed all the prisoners and punished the criminals. At the same time Mir Mannu died a horrible death.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I fall at His Feet to please and appease Him.
The True Guru has united me with the Lord, the Primal Being. There is no other as great as He. II1IIPauseII
The Lord of the Universe is my Sweet Beloved.
He is sweeter than my mother or father.
Among all sisters and brothers and friends, there is no one like You. II1II
By Your Command, the month of Saawan has come.
I have hooked up the plow of Truth,and I plant the seed of the Name in hopes that the Lord, in His Generosity, will bestow a bountiful harvest. II2II
Meeting with the Guru, I recognize only the One Lord.
In my consciousness, I do not know of any other account.
The Lord has assigned one task to me; as it pleases Him, I perform it. II3II
Enjoy yourselves and eat, O Siblings of Destiny.
In the Guru's Court, He has blessed me with the Robe of Honor.
I have become the Master of my body-village; I have taken the five rivals as prisoners. II4II
I have come to Your Sanctuary.
The five farm-hands have become my tenants; none dare to raise their heads against me.
O Nanak, my village is populous and prosperous. II5II
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You.
I meditate on You continually.
The village was in ruins, but You have re-populated it. I am a sacrifice to You. II6II
O Beloved Lord, I meditate on You continually;
I obtain the fruits of my mind's desires.
All my affairs are arranged, and the hunger of my mind is appeased. II7II
I have forsaken all my entanglements;
I serve the True Lord of the Universe.
I have firmly attached the Name, the Home of the Nine Treasures to my robe. II8II
I have obtained the comfort of comforts.
The Guru has implanted the Word of the Shabad deep within me.
The True Guru has shown me my Husband Lord; He has placed His Hand upon my forehead. II9II
I have established the Temple of Truth.
I sought out the Guru's Sikhs, and brought them into it.
I wash their feet, and wave the fan over them. Bowing low, I fall at their feet. II10II
I heard of the Guru, and so I went to Him.
He instilled within me the Naam, the goodness of charity and true cleansing.
All the world is liberated, O Nanak, by embarking upon the Boat of Truth. II11II
The whole Universe serves You, day and night.
Please hear my prayer, O Dear Lord.
I have thoroughly tested and seen all-You alone, by Your Pleasure, can save us. II12II
Now, the Merciful Lord has issued His Command.
Let no one chase after and attack anyone else.
Let all abide in peace, under this Benevolent Rule. II13II
Softly and gently, drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.
I speak as my Lord and Master causes me to speak.
I place all my faith in You; please accept me. II14II
Your devotees are forever hungry for You.
O Lord, please fulfill my desires.
Grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Giver of Peace. Please, take me into Your Embrace. II15II
I have not found any other as Great as You.
You pervade the continents, the worlds and the nether regions;
You are permeating all places and interspaces. Nanak: You are the True Support of Your devotees. II16II
I am a wrestler; I belong to the Lord of the World.
I met with the Guru, and I have tied a tall, plumed turban.
All have gathered to watch the wrestling match, and the Merciful Lord Himself is seated to behold it. II17II
The bugles play and the drums beat.
The wrestlers enter the arena and circle around.
I have thrown the five challengers to the ground, and the Guru has patted me on the back. II18II
All have gathered together,but we shall return home by different routes.
The Gurmukhs reap their profits and leave, while the self-willed manmukhs lose their investment and depart.II19II
You are without color or mark.
The Lord is seen to be manifest and present.
Hearing of Your Glories again and again, Your devotees meditate on You;
they are attuned to You, O Lord, Treasure of Excellence. II20II
Through age after age, I am the servant of the Merciful Lord.
The Guru has cut away my bonds.
I shall not have to dance in the wrestling arena of life again.
A great group has come together to form a discussion board on Facebook: Kaurs United! Take part in interesting discussion about the role of Sikh women today. How to deal with problems we might face & Learn about other Kaurs around the world and what steps they have taken to learn about Sikhi, and be part of the Khalsa family…
Kaurs United: 2006 Video Clip
Trailers made of pictures of worldwide Sikh Women:
Click Here to Join Facebook: Kaurs United

Some of the pictures used on the
The Battle of Anandpur Sahib
It is said that whenever any of the Rajput fort was about to be captured, all women would commit themselves to sati (burn themselves in fire), in order to protect their honor. Although, GurSikh women faced a similar situation, they did not choose sati as a way out. Why not?
They had partaken Guru's Amrit
Why would they submit to Sati?

Bibi Dalaer Kaur, Jathedar of GurSikh women, responded
"Brothers, the amrit of Kalgidhar Patshah that you all have partaken is the same Amrit that we have partaken. No force of this world can dishonor us. We shall accept martyrdom fighting the enemy of truth before you all."
Enclosing Anandpur in a Fort, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj initiated the battle for freedom and sovereignty. The biting sound of his "Ranjit Nagara," a large kettle drum, shook up and instilled fear among the neighboring Hill Rajas. They had started considering Kalgidhar Patshah as their arch enemy and deployed several strategies to get him to leave Anandpur. The Rajas of the 22 mountain ridges (BaiDhar) consolidated themselves against Guru Maharaj, blew the trumpets of war and initiated regular attacks against Anandpur Sahib.
However, the courageous GurSikhs warriors, under the command of our Tenth Guru, displayed such martial skills in the battlefield that the enemy was forced to retreat with sustained heavy losses and severe damages in every attack.
Irritated by the almost daily defeats with heavy losses, the Hill Rajas approached Delhi and sought Aurangzeb's help. The rationale provided by the Hill Rajas against Guru Maharaj was that "if the rising tide of Sikh movement isn't suppressed at this stage, it will destroy the Mughal empire." Aurangzeb's contempt for Sikhs was well known. He was independently searching for an opportune moment to destroy the Sikhs. And now the pleas of Hill Rajas provided him an excellent opportunity. Thus Aurangzeb eagerly issued orders for the Royal forces to attack Anandpur.

At this moment, Guru Gobind Singh Ji was accompanied by ten thousand brave GurSikh men and some 100 GurSikh women inside the Anandpur Fort. The royal forces arrived suddenly and seized Anandpur. The invading forces not only comprised of the Royal forces from Delhi, but were joined by the forces of Wajir Khan, Suba Sirhind, and Jabardast Khan, Lahore, along the way. Upon their arrival in Anandpur, even the hill rats had come out of their hiding places to help the invading forces. Altogether, the little fort of Anandpur Sahib was facing a force of 10 lakh (a million) strong. The enemy immediately seized the surrounding area and were now ruthlessly advancing in attempts to capture the fort.
On the other side, GurSikhs warriors prepared themselves at the sound of "Ranjit Nagara" and came out to defend and arrest the invading forces from reaching the fort. A fierce battle ensued and the GurSikhs fought courageously to check the enemy advanced. Many gave their lives in the fort's defense and thereby enrolled among the ranks of martyrs in defence of righteousness.
While our GurSikh brothers were fighting the fierce battle, GurSikh sisters were engrossed in nursing the wounded, managing the supply lines, and organizing the Langar...

At the time of the attack the invading forces were extremely confident of their strength. They were certain that the thousand odd GurSikhs wouldn't last beyond a day, especially in face of 10 lakh (a million) strong forces with canyons and heavy armors. However, the enemy sensed the error of their judgement, during the first day of the battle. And quickly realized that capturing Anandpur fort wouldn't be as easy as they had thought. Having suffered heavy causalities, the invading forces retreated and imposed curfew on the surrounding area. Their seize of the area was so tight that nothing could move in or out of Anandpur.
All supply lines to the fort were cut of. Now they adopted a strategy to simply waited for the GurSikhs to deplete their supplies and come out. This situation went on for nine months without any movement on either side.
By now, the situation was grim on both sides. Ration and water had virtually depleted inside the Anandpur fort. Nothing could be brought in from outside as all supply line had been severed. On the opposing side, the invading forces had become targets of various diseases because of the ensuing floods. Their soldiers were dying in large numbers, causing major havoc and desertions among the ranks. The enemy had lost all hope of ever capturing the Anandpur fort. Yet, their own strategy and the situation demanded them to stay engaged. While they wanted to abandon the seize of Anandpur, their pride wouldn't allow them to do so. Comparatively, the situation among invading forces was deteriorating more rapidly than among GurSikhs.
Finally, all military tactics of the invading forces proved ineffective against the defence of GurSikhs inside Anandpur fort. The invading forces had been totally humiliated and defeated. Now diplomatic strategies were explored to turn their defeat into a victory. Under this strategy, the Hill Rajas and Mughal forces, took sacred oath of Cow and Koran respectively, and asked Guru Sahib to leave Anandpur. They wanted Guru Maharaj to leave the Anandpur fort just once and then return anytime at will. The rationale being that this would allow the invading forces to safe face. However, Tenth Patshah was well aware of their hidden agenda and thus declined the offer. Subsequently, the request was resubmitted accompanied by an official letter of assurances signed by Aurangzeb himself. By now the situation inside the fort had further deteriorated.
GurSikhs of Majha had already given their "Baedhawa," petition of disassociation with Guru Maharaj, and left the fort. The remaining GurSikhs were increasingly exhausted and wearied because of hunger. At this critical moment, under advice of Matta Gujar Kaur Ji and some prominent GurSikhs, decision to leave the Anandpur fort was announced. Guru Maharaj, along with 500 GurSikhs and family members left the Anandpur fort during the bitter December-January winter freeze. Since the seize of Anandpur fort was to be shortly lifted, as per the agreement, a hundred GurSikhs women and about 10 GurSikh men stayed behind.

As soon Kalgidhar Patshah left the fort, the combined forces of mughal and Hill Rajas quickly abandoned their sacred oaths. And contrary to the agreement, they pursued Guru Sahib's party. Finally, they caught up with and attacked Guru Sahib on the banks of Sirsa river. In this battle many GurSikhs were killed and Guru Sahib's family scattered. Younger Sahibjadas (sons) and Matta Gujari left with the deceitful Gangu to his village. While Bhai Mani Singh along with Guru Sahib's wife left for Delhi. Guru Sahib left for Chamkaur with the remaining 40 GurSikhs and elder Sahibjadas. At Chamkaur, once again Guru Sahib had to face the enemy forces in large numbers. All 40 GurSikhs, along with the elder Sahibjadas, accepted martyrdom in this battle. And Guru Sahib left for Mashiwadha while challenging the enemy forces. Readers must be familiar with the subsequent events; especially, the martyrdom of younger Sahibjadas and Matta Gujari. I shall skip these details for brevity.
"O Beloved Khalsa jee, I would rather die fighting than walk away from this battle. But Khalsa jee, you are my Guru and you have ordered that we accept the offer of safe passage and leave the fort. So we will leave tomorrow. But, I don't intend to leave the fort unguarded. Bibi Dalaer Kaur, you are my trusted Sikh. I want you and the rest of my daughters to stay here along with 10 Khalsa men." ~Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
"Pita Jee, your words are true, bless us so we may do this duty and bring honour to the Khalsa," ~Bibi Dalaer Kaur ji.
...Sri Guru Gobind Singh jee tapped her shoulder with the tip of his arrow...
As soon as Guru Gobind Singh jee left the fort, the combined forces of Moghal troops and Hill Rajas quickly abandoned their sacred oaths. They charged after Guru Gobind Singh jee and his 500 Khalsa soldiers. A bloody battle took place on the banks of the Sirsa river. Many Khalsa soldiers were killed and Guru jee's family was scattered. His younger sons and mother escaped with Gangu to his village. Later on he turned them in to the authorities for a reward. This lead to their martyrdom.
Instead, lets return to the Anandpur fort where the invading forces were awaiting Guru Sahib's departure to start looting and destroying the fort. As soon as Guru Sahib left the fort, the greedy soldiers of the invading forces broke their ranks and proceeded towards the fort, burning and looting everything in their way. Now they seized the fort with Guru's GurSikhs inside.
What a power of Guru Ji's Amrit?
The fort is seized by the enemy forces with no force inside to defend it. All there were a hundred women. Women, the fairer sex, popularly understood as weak and powerless by the world. However, these women neither considered themselves to be weak nor powerless. They echoed, "We too have partaken the Amrit from our Kalgidhar PitaJi and the moment to prove it has come upon us."
These daughters of lions picked up the guns, took up positions on the fort's pillars, and started firing on the enemy soldiers.
The enemy soldiers had presumed the fort to be was empty. As such they were taken aback by this sudden rain of bullets. Soon piles of stacked dead enemy soldiers were visible outside the fort. Seeing this, the enemy soldiers left their position and ran for their lives. Now, no living enemy could be seen anymore, as everyone fled for their lives.
The Brave Daughter of the Guru made the enemy chew iron grams, their bullets.
Witnessing the disastrous situation of his forces, the mughal commander got irritated and issued orders for canyon fire against the fort. Intense canyon fire succeeded in breaking through a wall of the fort. Now, once again, the enemy foot soldiers moved towards the fort. They were again showered with bullets by the Guru's daughters. Hundreds of enemy soldiers again shut their eyes for ever. Unfortunately, by now the ammunition had depleted inside the fort. The enemy forces were rapidly advancing but there was no more firing coming from inside, in response. Fort's capture was almost certain.
By now, the enemy was advancing so rapidly that there was no time for further debate. Upon Jathedar Dalaer Kaur's signal, all GurSikh women drew their swords and moved behind the damaged wall. This was the only way for the enemy to enter the fort. Here they patiently awaited the enemy's entrance.
Tears came to the GurSikh men, who still were worried about the fate of their sisters at the hands of the enemy. Jathedar Dalaer Kaur noticed the predicament of her brothers and said "Brothers do not worry about us. The enemy cannot enter the fort while we are alive."
At this moment the enemy had reached the fort and as expected, attempted to enter the fort through the damaged wall. Inside were 10 hungry GurSikh men and a hundred GurSikh women facing thousands of well bread Mughals and Pathans. In normal situation this was no match. But this was no ordinary situation.
Guru's Amrit that could awakens the weakest, filled the GurSikhs with such power and spirit that the enemy couldn't put a foot inside the fort. The enemy advance having reached the damaged wall was forcibly restrained just outside the fort.
Witnessing the events from a distance, the mughal commander yelled, "cowards, you are afraid of the princesses inside the fort. They are gifts for you and excellent hunts. Advance inside the fort, loot all the wealth and capture them as well." These words were so loud that they could be heard inside the fort.
Jathedar Dalaer Kaur yelled back a fitting response, "Hunt or hunter? Cowards come and find out for yourself."
Dalaer Kaur's challenging response simply cut off the commander's challenge. The enemy soldiers had no will left to advance. Seeing this the commander was extremely aggravated. He gathered some of the best horsemen from his group, picked up all the courage he could muster, and advanced inside the fort. As soon as he entered the fort with his men, GurSikh sisters attacked them from every corner.
Very quickly the enemy became target of GurSikh women's swords and fell to the ground. The commander of the mughal forces was killed in this attack. While some GurSikh brothers and sisters also lost their lives. How many? It was difficult to determine.
The cries of the wounded echoed in the fort. Soon the enemy forces outside figured out what had transpired with their companions inside the fort. Now no one had the courage to advance towards the fort. The previous information that the enemy had, about only a few women inside the fort, seemed inaccurate at best. The enemy was increasingly frightened by now.
Now the deputy commander of the mughal forces gave orders to retreat. Simultaneously, he asking for intense canyon fire. The enemy canyons opened fire and continuously pounded on the fort. Already a wall had been damaged and weakened by previous pounding and with this recent canyon pounding it fell inside. Through the fallen wall, the inner compound was clearly visible. No living humans could be seen inside. The enemy by now was convinced that no one was left on this side of the fort. They advanced in huge numbers and reached inside the fort.
Afraid for their lives they cautiously proceeding to look around. But there was nothing to be afraid of. They searched every inch of the fort but did not find anyone. Where did the remaining GurSikhs disappeared? Where were they? No one knew. The enemy couldn't understand. The soldiers were still afraid, expecting sudden attacks at any moment from any direction.
After intense search, when no one could be found inside the fort, the enemy concluded that the remaining GurSikhs must have escaped through some secret passage. Orders were given for abandon the search and initiate looting. The very soldiers who were afraid for their lives until now, anxiously started searching for wealth inside the fort. In the process they moved the fallen wall of the fort.
What they found was no wealth but the bodies of our martyrs.
The faces of Kalgidhar's daughter were still radiant yet peaceful as they slept in their permanent sleep.
It seemed as if they were resting after having successfully fulfilled their obligations.
Rightly so, they had stood by their Jathedar and taken the stance that while living they shall not allow the enemy to enter the fort.
They had fulfilled their promise.
Guru's amrit was successful while they joined the ranks of GurSikh martyrs.
Then why wouldn't their faces be radiant and peaceful? Along side them were the bodies of their martyr GurSikh brothers. Their faces were peaceful too. It seemed that they were convinced, prior to their death, that their GurSikh sisters would not be mistreated. And yes, they knew that no power of this world could dishonor them. The invading forces were shocked to witness this scene - such small numbers could face the immense mughal force and engaged them in such a fierce battle? They were astonished beyond belief. Spontaneously these words came out of a mughal governor's mouth,
"Where such a fighting spirit is instilled among women, no force of this world could ever succeed challenging that Tribe."
Source: Article from Panthic Weekly
Pictures: Sikhnet, Flickr, SikhiWiki, & more

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh II
raag aasaa ghar 8 kae kaafee mehalaa 4 II
aaeiaa maran dhhuraahu houmai roeeai II
guramukh naam dhhiaae asathhir hoeeai II1II
gur poorae saabaas chalan jaaniaa II
laahaa naam s saar sabadh samaaniaa II1II rehaoo II
poorab likhae ddaeh s aaeae maaeiaa II
chalan aj k kalih dhhurahu furamaaeiaa II2II
birathhaa janam thinaa jinhee naam visaariaa II
jooai khaelan jag k eihu man haariaa II3II
jeevan maran sukh hoe jinhaa gur paaeiaa II
naanak sachae sach sach samaaeiaa II4II12II64II
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Raag Aasaa, Eighth House, Kaafee, Fourth Mehla:
Death is ordained from the very beginning, and yet ego makes us cry.
Meditating on the Naam, as Gurmukh, one becomes stable and steady. II1II
Blessed is the Perfect Guru, through whom the way of Death is known.
The sublime people earn the profit of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; they are absorbed in the Word of the Shabad. II1II PauseII
The days of one's life are pre-ordained; they will come to their end, O mother.
One must depart, today or tomorrow, according to the Lord's Primal Order. II2II
Useless are the lives of those, who have forgotten the Naam.
They play the game of chance in this world, and lose their mind. II3II
Those who have found the Guru are at peace, in life and in death.
O Nanak, the true ones are truly absorbed into the True Lord. II4II12II64II

The phrase above is exactly what a young child said to her mother at the Gurdwara. The mom’s face went completely blank. What did the child mean, she wanted some Waheguru? She told her to close her eyes and do Simran, and she will get some Waheguru. The child looked confused, but she did what her mother told her. After a few mintues, she says to her mother, “Mommy, no one came, no one brought me Waheguru.” The mother, once again distracted by her Daughter, says,
This conversation happened a few times before the ardaas happened for the evening. At this point Degh was being given out by the Sevadars to the remaining Sangat left in the Gurdwara. The child quickly put up her two hands and got some Parshahd. Afters she had eaten it all up, she says to her mother, “Mommy, I got some Waheguru…”
The funny thing was, when the child was asking her mother for “Waheguru” she meant she wanted some Degh. Her mother asked her why she referred to the Degh as Waheguru, and the child responds,
(I thought this was such a cute story, had to share it with the Sangat)

I am a princess, I wear a Crown
Don't let my Kesh go tumbling down
Instead I keep them neatly wound
Inside, beneath, my Keski, bound
I am a princess, I let it show
I want everyone to know
I am daughter of a King, and so
I let 'each' one of my Kesh grow
I am a Princess, as royalty, I wear a Bana
With my breath do Simran, read Banee, learn Kathaa
My hands help with Langar, do shoe Seva
My hearts home is in my Fathers Castle, His Gurdwara
I am a Princess, I keep Panj Kakar
Precious gifts from Five Beloved Sevadar
Weapons to help me fight five enemies, win the 'world' war
I am a Warrior Princess, my name is KAUR
~By, Sukhmander Kaur
Warrior Bibi Sharanagat Kaur
This week’s Sakhi is about a Great Sikh Woman –
Sharanagat Kaur Ji was born in a Hindu Family in the Pathan, located west of Punjab. The area was under the Sikh Raj, by General Hari Singh Nalwa (To Read more about General Hari Singh Nalwa – Click Here)
To completely understand how Sharanagat Kaur Ji became a courageous Daughter of Khalsa, we need to trace back to her wedding day. After a successful wedding ceremony, Bibi Ji and her groom, with the wedding party, travelled to their village. On the way to her in-laws home, Bibi Ji and her newly husband were attacked by dacoits. Crying for help, and fighting back with all their strength, the dacoits ordered all the people to surrender their cash and valuables. The helpless party had no choice; they were not carrying any weapons, and did not have the means to fight back. They gave up everything, all the valuables and cash that they were carrying on that special day were taken away from them by the dacoits. But that was not the worse part; the dacoits demanded that beautiful bride to come with them...

It turned out that the two individuals that the General did suspect were associates of the dacoits. When they heard that the General order this man to be imprisoned they were quite pleased. They could not hide their excitement; for them they were pleased, they did not have to go search the hide-outs of the dacoits. They came into General court with glowing eyes and wide smiles on their faces. While in court, they assured the General of their complicity in looting the marriage party and carrying away the bride.
The General was accurate when he suspected the two individuals of the dacoits. Soon after the individuals received the orders from the General that Bibi Ji’s husband would be imprisoned for a false complaint they went straight to dacoit’s hide-out. The men reported that the General was angry with the cowardly behaviour of the groom; the associates of the dacoits assumed the whole ordeal would be forgotten. As they discussed more about the General reaction to the situation, they became happier. But the joyful atmosphere did not last for long. Soon, the ten Sikh soldiers that General ordered to follow the two suspected individuals surrounded the dacoits and ordered them to put their hands up. The dacoits were shocked, dumbfounded, and upset. The General tricked them into believing he did not care, and did not believe Bibi Ji’s husband
Bibi Ji (the beautiful bride) was rescued, and brought before the General. Once he got a glimpse of Bibi Ji, he asked her “What is your name?” She replied, “I am nobody. I would have been dead had you not saved my life. Now I am under your ‘sharan’ (protection)”. The word 'sharan' voluntarily coming out of the mouth of a helpless, scared woman gave her the popular name Sharanagat Kaur. The General was pleased with Bibi Ji’s response.

When the husband received notice that his bride was saved he came running to the General’s court. Once he reunited with his wife, the General returned everything, including the valuables and cash. The General with great gratitude asked that, the newly couple should go home. However, Bibi Ji, and her husband, begged the General to allow them to stay with him.
The General was excited, and agreed. He could not refuse two individuals who wanted to become Guru Ji’s Sikhs. Bibi Ji and Husband in the mean time, shaaked Amrit, and were allowed to stay with the General.
Just imagine, the day Bibi Ji and her husband were attacked. If they were part of the Panth, they would of the spiritual strength, and physical strength to fight back against the dacoits who robbed them, and kidnapped Bibi Ji.
While his visit to Jamrod Fort, Hari Singh Nalwa fell seriously ill. The area was surrounded with the Pathan population unfriendly towards him. Knowing that the General was sick and was not in any physical condition to engage in battle, they all rebelled against his rule.
To send the message that he was hale and hearty, the General, bravely, went up to the upper story of the fort from where he could be seen by all the people outside. Seeing him moving about on the fort, the rebels retreated quickly.
However, one of them aimed his gun at him and shot him. Unfortunately, the General was hit and died of the bullet wound.
The news of the Generals death was shocking. The situation in the fort became very tense, and everyone was depressed when realizing the General was dead, and there was no one else to replace his bravery, his dedication, and his intelligence.
Like a true Sikh woman, Bibi Ji, kept her composure. She did not allow herself to cry over a death of the General. She knew, the General was in the Darshan of Akal Purak, and no one should be upset.
She try to help those around her, Bibi Ji, thought for some time and said, “This is not the time to feel worried or scared. Let us face this critical moment, with courage and confidence. I have a plan to the save us from the rebels”. Her plan was thoughtful, and dangerous. A plan, that General surely would have been proud. Bibi Ji decided to leave the fort. To do this, she tied a rope on the back of the fort, and slid down to the ground. She disguised herself was a Pathan woman. Once she did this, she headed towards Peshawar, to inform the army there about the situation taking place in their village.Her journey was difficult. Bibi Ji needed to be strong, and smart in order to fight against the obstacles she face while travelling to Peshawar. She had to travel through a hilly route that covered twenty miles, swarming with Pathan rebels. There were wild animals in the forest through which she had to walk at night, and she could easily become their prey. It was a very risky journey. It looked impossible for a woman to reach Peshawar alive under those conditions and give the sad news to the army and request their help.
The brave, daring, and young Sikh Woman did reach there by walking and running through dense forest the whole night.
Without losing any time, she asked the best horsemen to get ready quickly and ride their horses. The Sikh soldiers were under the guidance of Bibi Sharanagat Kaur, they traveled as fast as they could to reach Lahore. They covered their long arduous journey quickly and reported the episode to Maharaja Ranjeet Singh.
After hearing the death of a Great General who raised the honour of the Khalsa army to the skies, he felt very sad. Assessing the situation to be critical, he himself left for Peshawar. Knowing that the Maharaja had personally come to punish the rebels, the Pathans immediately surrendered without fighting and promised to remain friendly thereafter.
The Khalsa Raj of Punjab, founded with the statesmanship of a woman, Sardarni Sada Kaur (Click Here to Read More about Bibi Sada Kaur), was thus saved from being dismembered, by the bravery of another Sikh woman, Bibi Sharanagat Kaur. She was honoured by the Khalsa Panth with the title of "Brave Daughter of the Punjab."
Sikh women can successfully face all kinds of critical and risky situations like any good general and statesman. Like other brave Sikh Woman, Bibi Sharanagat Kaur Ji kept her composure during a difficult ordeal, the loss of the General created many Sikhs to be upset. However, Bibi Ji was determined not to give up the legacy of the General. The General worked his whole life, to maintain, a pure Sikhi life with guidance of the Guru Ji’s Bani, and Guru Ji’s Code of Conduct. Dhan Dhan Guru De Sikh!! No matter what type of situation they are in, they willing and ready to fight back with the strength they have gained by doing Naam Simran.
*Edited *
aasaa mehalaa 5 II
baa(n)shhath naahee s baelaa aaee II
bin hukamai kio bujhai bujhaaee II1II
t(h)a(n)dtee thaathee mittee khaaee II
ouhu n baalaa boodtaa bhaaee II1II rehaao II
naanak dhaas saadhh saranaaee II
gur prasaadh bho paar paraaee II2II33II
Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:
That time, which the mortal does not wish for, eventually comes.
Without the Lord's Command, how can understanding be understood? II1II
The body is consumed by water, fire and earth.
But the soul is neither young nor old, O Siblings of Destiny.II1IIPauseII
Servant Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Holy.
By Guru's Grace, he has shaken off the fear of death. II2II33II
Shabad By: Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 378
In a world’s space of time
Many strong women have graced many history books
But none have equalled to the sacrifice of Great Sikh Women
Daughters of the Khalsa
We know this,
We have followed you,
Every action and every adoption
Your heart was in it all
Daughters of the Khalsa
All your sweat and tears were unconditional
With the teachings you have inspired; with your miraculous life
You are a true inspiration
Daughters of the Khalsa
By being the unique, caring and deep loving Sikh women
The Sikhs know, no other women will equal to the determination you each had…
Daughters of the Khalsa
Great Sikh Warriors
You Have come so Far
With your endless Strength
And Your Grace
Your Life had a Purpose for all…

The bond between mother and child is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is the purest love ~ unconditional and true. It is understanding of any situation and forgiving of any mistake.
The bond between mother and child creates a support that is constant while everything else changes. It is a friendship based on mutual love, respect, and a genuine liking of each other as a person. It is knowing that no matter where you go or who you are, there is someone who truly loves you and is always there to support and console you. When a situation seems impossible, you make it through together by holding on to each other.
The bond between mother and child is strong enough to withstand harsh words and hurt feelings, for it is smart enough to always see the love beyond words. It is brave enough to always speak the truth, even when lies would be easier. It is always there ~ anytime, anywhere ~ whenever it is needed. It is a gift held in the heart and in the soul, and it canot be taken away or exchanged for another. To possess this love is a treasure that makes life more valuable.
please bless me with Your Mercy, and save this sinking stone...

Maajh, Fifth Mehla:
Blessed are those words, by which the Naam is chanted.
Rare are those who know this, by Guru's Grace.
Blessed is that time when one sings and hears the Lord's Name.
Those eyes which behold the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan are approved and accepted.
Those feet which walk in the Lord's Way are beautiful.
Listen, O my beloved friends and companions:
in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall be saved in an instant
Your sins will be cut out; your mind will be immaculate and pure.
With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer:
please bless me with Your Mercy, and save this sinking stone.
God has become merciful to Nanak; God is pleasing to Nanak's mind. II4II22II29II
Shabad is by our Guru Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Bibi Ji was disciplined and educated in regards to Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings. She was noble, confident, and spiritual. All of these attributes gave her the power to attract Guru Amar Das Ji into Sikhi. If it wasn’t for her, we would not be blessed with our third Guru, Guru Amar Das Ji. Hearing Bibi Amro Ji beautiful voice, Guru Amar Das Ji was curious as to what she was reciting. The sacred hymn touched his heart:
maaroo mehalaa 1 ghar 1II
Maaroo, First Mehl, First House:
karanee kaagadh man masavaanee buraa bhalaa dhue laekh peae
Actions are the paper, and the mind is the ink; good and bad are both recorded upon it.
jio jio kirath chalaaeae thio chaleeai tho gun naahee a(n)th harae II1II
As their past actions drive them, so are mortals driven. There is no end to Your Glorious Virtues, Lord. II1II
chith chaethas kee nehee baavariaa
Why do you not keep Him in your consciousness, you mad man?
har bisarath thaerae gun galiaa II1IIrehaaoII
Forgetting the Lord, your own virtues shall rot away. II1IIPauseII
jaalee rain jaal dhin hooaa jaethee gharree faahee thaethee
The night is a net, and the day is a net; there are as many traps as there are moments.
ras ras chog chugehi nith faasehi shhoottas moorrae kavan gunee II2II
With relish and delight, you continually bite at the bait; you are trapped, you fool - how will you ever escape? II2II
kaaeiaa aaran man vich lohaa pa(n)ch agan thith laag rehee
koeilae paap parrae this oopar man jaliaa sa(n)nhee chi(n)th bhee II3II
Sin is the charcoal placed upon it, which burns the mind; the tongs are anxiety and worry. II3II
bhaeiaa manoor ka(n)chan fir hovai jae gur milai thinaehaa
What was turned to slag is again transformed into gold, if one meets with the Guru.
eaek naam a(n)mrith ouhu dhaevai tho naanak thrisattas dhaehaa II4II3II
He blesses the mortal with the Ambrosial Name of the One Lord, and then, O Nanak, the body is held steady. II4II3II
Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 990

It was she who first introduced him to the teachings of Sikhism. As his interest grew it was she who sent him to her father to learn more about these teachings.
Bibi Ji is an inspiration for all Sikhs. She was a strong woman, who contined to walk on the path of Guru Nanak Dev Ji even after she was married. Even though she faced obstacles, she still choose to walk in this path, the right path for her. Her parents equipped her mind with discipline that she was able to bring her teachings into her new family. This bond between her, and Chardi Kala, Gursikhs parents, lived in her heart, and as a result, blessed us with Guru Amar Das Ji...
Keep on reciting Guru Ji’s BANI
Keep on singing Guru Ji’s BANI
Keep on preaching Guru Ji’s BANI
Keep on understanding Guru Ji’s BANI
…You never know who might be listening…

Sikh festival Hola Mahalla is celebrated by Sikhs all over the world. Before discussing the Sikh significance, Hola Mahalla follows the Hindu festival of Holi; Holi is a festival celebrating the victory of the Saint Prahlaad over his evil aunt Holika who tried to burn him alive with order of Harnakaash.
However the reasoning behind this festival had long been forgotten, even during the time of our tenth guru, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, it had become a meaningless day of throwing colour on each other. Guru Gobind Singh Ji ordered that his Khalsa would not celebrate Holi and instead introduced the tradition of HOLA MAHALLA.

Gurbani points the true meaning of Holi :
laal ra(n)g this ko lagaa jis kae vaddabhaagaa II
One is dyed in the color of the Lord's Love, by great good fortune. This color is never muddied; no stain ever sticks to it. II1II
Click Here to View Shabad
About Holi, Gurbani says
aaj hamaarai grihi basa(n)th II
prabh sa(n)gee mil khaelan laag II
holee keenee sa(n)th saev II
ra(n)g laagaa ath laal dhaev II2II
man than mouliou ath anoop II
sookai naahee shhaav dhhoop II
salok kabeer II
gagan dhamaamaa baajiou pariou neesaanai ghaao II
khaeth j maa(n)ddiou sooramaa ab joojhan ko dhaao II1II
sooraa so pehichaaneeai j larai dheen kae haeth II
purajaa purajaa katt marai kabehoo n shhaaddai khaeth II2II2II
The battle-drum beats in the sky of the mind; aim is taken, and the wound is inflicted.
The Spiritual Warriors enter the field of battle; now is the time to fight!
He alone is known as a Spritual Hero, who fights in defense of Religion.
He may be cut apart, piece by piece, but never leaves the field of battle.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji had a marvellous foresight; he wanted his Sikhs to have a strong soul, which we achieve by our prayers. He also wanted us to be physically fit and have a disciplined life.
Physical fitness flows from discipline skills. These skills include the ability to organize our life to meet our basic needs adequately, rest, diet, health, hygiene, exercise, reading, prayer, etc. It will help if we draw up an action programme for the acquisition of self-discipline skills. Two important moments of the day are when we get up in the morning and when we go to sleep. In the morning, when we are fresh from sleep, we can resolve to practice this self-discipline and at night we can ask ourselves an account of how we have practised them. Then we may resolve for the following day and go on disciplining ourselves.
To make our self externally and internally strong and not by merely wasting our life and doing the things blindly what others do that bear no fruits. So, let all of us try to be Victorious by overcoming our evils, our own enemies Kaam, Krodh, Lob, Moh & Aanhkar.
Kaur Experience in Gatkha Akhara
"...Gatka is very precious gift from Guruji and it gives great feelings during performing it and Guruji has given me a wonderful experience...."
"I realize something great, it certainly makes you feel confident, fearless and the love for shaster vidya. While performing it and when your baani goes through your head, then you will see how the movement is and vaar goes so beautifully and energetic…. I am not good in describing my feelings while performing gatka because it is something which comes from your inner self and then rejoins with shaster vidya. The truth is, even I was not sure whether I can fight or not and don't want to fight with Singhs because they are experienced Singhs in gatka. They have been practicing Gatka for many years and my group just learned in three months.Guruji is the one who made me get involve in the last minute. With that, I just went in with one spirit, and that was bharosa in Guruji and Naam. When Guruji gave me my first victory, Bhenji, the Sangat faces in stadium especially Sisters from every Gatka Akhara showed a sense of proud for me and said in future they will take part. It was not Win or Loose game. It was something beyond that…it was the feeling of how you should be tyar bhar tyaar in facing any situation without fear. The main part is our actual battle starts with our own enemies which are Kam,krodh.lobh,moh,ahangkar..."- Gupt Kaur
"Khalsa lived poised in sword's sharp edge, and he kissed its cold steel. Indeed Iron had gone into his soul at his nativity. But it would be a great mistake to associate the Khalsa with the wanton wars and bloodshed. He took to the sword because of a crisis of conscience." – Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
...Khalsa Singhniaa in Gatka Akhara...
Warrior Singhnees!
Click Here to Read
Article: Unknown Source
Pictures: Various Sikh Websites
Kaur Experience: Daughters of the Khalsa Article
International Women’s Week and March Event
Tuesday 6th – Wake Up!!
6pm , Hall 1 @ GNG Smethwick
Wednesday 7th – Beauty of Sikh Women
2pm, Room 155 @ Aston Uni
Thursday 8th – Clean up seva
5.30pm @ Baba Sang Gurdwara
Saturday 10th – Shabeel (in memory of Mata Khivi Ji)
1pm onwards outside Dhesi sweet centre on Soho Rd.
(the events above are part of international women’s week.)
Friday 16th – Sanjha Kirtan Darbar – for Comic relief
7pm till late @ GNG Smethwick
Tuesday 20th – Kung Fu taster session 6pm,
Hall 1 @ GNG smethwick
(note this session is girls only)
Santhiya - every Wednesday 7-8pm Hall 2 @GNG Smethwick
Further info: 07707 100399 / 07763 608328

“Balwand says that Khivi, the Guru’s wife, is a noble woman, who gives soothing, leafy shade to all. She distributes the bounty of the Guru’s Langar; the kheer- the rice pudding and ghee, is like sweet ambrosia.”
-Ang 967, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
For information contact:
© Kaurageous. 2007. All Rights Reserved.

In the little circle of friends and people that I interact with I have noticed quite a few young Sikh women who have really touched my heart through their music, voice and the Gurbani that they sing. It’s the type of thing that when I hear them sing I just feel bliss and at peace. I know that it might be different for you, and that someone you love listening to might not have the same effect on me, so I am just sharing my own experience.
It does not seem to be very common to have Sikh Women play Gurbani Kirtan in most Gurdwaras (especially in India). We are so used to seeing the typical male ragi jatha.
Maybe in the past women were not encouraged or allowed to "take the stage" in Gurdwaras, but I think as Sikh women feel more empowered this will change. The previous obedient submissive woman will change to something more in line with the times. This change I think is happening more rapidly in the west (USA, Canada, UK) where Sikh women are growing up under different circumstances and are able to explore music in a way that traditionally in India was not as common.
Kaur Audio:
Bibi Rena Kaur Ji --- Simran Track
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Guru Nanak
Previous Kaur Audios:
Bibi Snatam Kaur - Bhand Jamiyai Bhand Nimiyai
ma 1II bha(n)dd ja(n)meeai bha(n)dd ni(n)meeai bha(n)dd ma(n)gan veeaahu II
bha(n)ddahu hovai dhosathee bha(n)ddahu chalai raahu II
bha(n)dd muaa bha(n)dd bhaaleeai bha(n)dd hovai ba(n)dhhaan II
so kio ma(n)dhaa aakheeai jith ja(n)mehi raajaan II
bha(n)ddahu hee bha(n)dd oopajai bha(n)ddai baajh n koe II
naanak bha(n)ddai baaharaa eaeko sachaa soe II
jith mukh sadhaa saalaaheeai bhaagaa rathee chaar II
naanak thae mukh oojalae thith sachai dharabaar II2II
"First Mehla: From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all. O Nanak, only the True Lord is without a woman. That mouth which praises the Lord continually is blessed and beautiful. O Nanak, those faces shall be radiant in the Court of the True Lord II2II" - Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 473
Sikh Naujawan Sabha - Vaho Vaho Bani Nirankaar Hai
Salok Mehla 3 II
vaahu vaahu baanee nira(n)kaar hai this jaevadd avar n koe II
vaahu vaahu agam athhaahu hai vaahu vaahu sachaa soe II
vaahu vaahu vaeparavaahu hai vaahu vaahu karae s hoe II
vaahu vaahu a(n)mrith naam hai guramukh paavai koe II
vaahu vaahu karamee paaeeai aap dhaeiaa kar dhaee II
naanak vaahu vaahu guramukh paaeeai anadhin naam leaee II1II
Salok, Third Mehla:
Waaho! Waaho! Is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible. Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.
Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord. Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.
Waaho! Waaho! Is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.
Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. II1II
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